Creating Schedule Driven Windows Service in.Using ProxyKit to Simulate IIS Rewrite Rules.Materials I used to prepare for AWS Certification.Hopefully this will save you time as well. When I run my install program on a computer that has the Crystal Reports runtime engine SP 9, the prerequisite fails with the message 'The installation of Crystal Reports Runtime for Visual Studio (32-bit) SP20 has failed. I just had to download and install this update, and the error went away. It includes the Crystal Reports 32-bit runtime engine (with service pack 20) as a prerequisite.
The fix after a long research was found here. NET Framework is required to display Crystal Reports at the end of the model run. assembly interface: IAssembl圜acheItem, function: Commit, assembly name: ,version=”7.4053″,publicKeyToken=”1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b”,processorArchitecture=”amd64″,type=”win32″ Arena Installation SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component. I was trying to install Redistributable package for one of the software systems I am working on on my Windows 8 64 bit machine.